Thursday, 9 July 2015

A Natural History of Self-Prosthesis

If you happen to be in Port Elizabeth between the 7-16 July 2015, please do consider acting as co-creator to my latest gallery intervention, A Natural History of Self-Prosthesis, currently on at ArtEC Gallery in Bird Street, Central. 

This event/intervention invites you to partake in a series of Self-prosthesis experiments which act as a means of developing a "natural history" of each visitors' participation with a series of playful bodily appendages. The installation set up in the gallery is thus in constant flux, dependent on each participant's interactive contribution. 

Please visit the Facebook event below for further details:

How to Look at an Art Exhibition:

Have you made any discoveries?

Thursday, 2 July 2015

The Grahamstown National Arts Festival Exhibition Intervention

How to Look at an Art Exhibition:

If you're visiting the Grahamstown National Arts Festival this year, keep an eye out for an edition of informative booklets brought to you by The Port Elizabeth Pataphysician's Society. These offer comprehensive six-step instructions on "How to Look at an Art Exhibition". They may be found at exhibition venues, the Village Green, the 1820 Settlers' National Monument, as well as other miscellaneous sites. You may find them handy in your explorations of the many interesting but rather complex exhibitions currently on display at the Festival. If you do come across one of these booklets, please report your findings and/or discoveries here.